Support Groups, Workshops & Trainings Topics

**More topics are available at request.

**We tailor fit our support groups, workshops, and trainings to the need of the clients. If you don’t see something you are looking for, please let us know and we can discuss things further!

  • -Phone Addiction, Anxiety and Depression

    -Empowerment in Recovery

    -Compulsive Spending

    -Finding Connection in the Recovery Process

    -Addiction Recovery: Utilizing 12 Steps Recovery Groups

    -Addiction and Relationships

    -Starting Over in Sobriety

    -Adults Raised By Parents with Addictions

    -Relapse Prevention : Psychiatric and Addictions Focused Interventions

    -Life After Addiction : Recovery Support

    -Alcohol Recovery Group

  • -Parenting a Child with ADHD

    -ADHD in the Classroom

    -ADHD in Adults

    -Adulting with ADHD (Women) | Dopamine and To-Dos

    -ADHD & Money Matters

    -Body Doubling for ADHD

    -Getting Things Done with ADHD

    -Understanding my ADHD

    -Time Management and ADHD

    -ADHD and DBT : Take Control of Your Mind

    -Using Art Expression as ADHD Meditation

    -Shame and ADHD

    -Coping Skills for Anxiety and ADHD

    - Adult ADHD Living and Thriving with ADHD

  • -BIPOC: Stress and Anxiety Resiliency

    -BIPOC: Stress & Anxiety

    -African-American Women Embracing Mental Wellness

    -Coping as a Person of Color

  • -Bipolar Support Group

  • -Caregiver Stress and Burnout

    -Burnout: Looking at Strategies Helping to Identify and Navigate Burnout Experiences

    -Beating Burnout: Prevention and Recovery

    -Healthcare Workers Need Care too!

    -Workplace Stressors and Challenges of Setting Boundaries

  • -Communicating with Intention and Purpose: DBT Skills

    -Communication Skills and Setting Boundaries

    -Speaking Up and Reducing Emotional Paralysis

    -Communication Skills to Support Attachment Style

    -Setting Bylaws with the In-laws

    -De-escalation Techniques

    -Assertive Communication in Conflict Resolution

    -Relationship Attachment Style and Communication Issues

    -Dealing with Family Conflict during the Holidays

  • -Creative Coping Strategies for Life Changes

    -Healing through Art Therapy

  • -The Holidays: Coping with Sadness, Loneliness, or Depression

    -Managing Mood Disorders Inside and Out

    -Coping with Winter and Holiday Blues : Healthy Boundaries Managing Stress and Controlling Depression / Anxiety

    -Support for Women Struggling with Loneliness

    -Art Therapy for Depression

    -The Holidays: Managing SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

    -Support for Young Adults Struggling with Depression

    -Suicide Survivors Group

    -Postpartum Depression - A Support Group for Moms

    -Healing through Artistic Expression

  • -Recovery from Grief

    -Healing Your Heart from Pet Loss

    -Making Peace with Loss

    -Coping with the Terminal Illness of a Loved One

    -Surviving Imprisonment: My Loved One is Incarcerated

    -Losing a Loved One to Gun Violence

    -Coping With the Death of a Loved One

    -Understanding and Processing Grief and Loss

    -Life Transitions and New Beginnings

    -Losing a Loved One to a Drunk Driver

    -Infant Loss Support for Women

    -Healing from a Traumatic or Sudden Death of a Loved One

    - Life After the Loss of a Parent

    -Grieving through Pregnancy Loss

  • -Thoughts and Feelings Around Gender Identity

    -Queer Women LGBTQ+ Issues

    -Coming Out Later in Life

    -Beyond the Binary Support for People Questioning Their Sexuality and/or Gender

    -Support for Parents of LGBTQ Offspring

    -A Transtastic Life: Support for Transgender Individuals

    - LGBTQIA+ - Learning to Love Yourself

    -Support for Family and Friends of LGBTQIA+

    -Loved Ones Building Support and Affirmation for Gender Identity / Gender Dysphoria

  • -Support for Men Struggling with Depression

    -Men's Group: The Fathers We Had, The Fathers We Are

    -Men and Mental Health

    -Men's Health Support Group

    -Body, Mind, Spirit- Healthy Masculinity

    -Coping with Impact of Childhood Trauma as a Man

    -Toxic Masculinity - What is it ?

    -Coping with Societal Pressure of “Manhood”

  • -Caregivers of Aging Parents or Children with Disabilities

    -Stress and Anxiety in Parenthood

    -Support for Stressed Out Parents of Adult Children

    -Adult Children Experiencing Parental Estrangement

    -Adopted: A Lifelong Search for Truth

    -Coping with Aging Relatives and Parents

    -Empty Nesters: What do I do Now That the Kids Are Gone?

    -Supporting Moms of Littles

    -Early Childhood Parental Support

    -Caregivers and Parents of a Child with Special Needs

    -Family and Parenting Problems : Dealing with Defiance, Disrespect, and Motivation with Children of All Ages

    -Reversed Roles: Caring for a Parent

    -Managing the Co-Parenting Parenting Relationship

    -Life with my Toddler

    -Caregivers of Aging

    -Parents of Children with Disabilities

    -Oh, Baby: Coping through Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Beyond

    -Stress and Anxiety in Parenthood

    -Foster and Adoptive Parent Support Group

    -Support for Parents of LGBTQ Offspring

    -Parenting Kids with Trauma and Special Needs

    -Single Parent Support Group

    -Fostering Healthy Communication with Adolescents

    -Mothering / Fathering and Self-Care

    -Parenting 101 : Managing the Boundary Pushers

    -Blending Families and Building New Traditions

    -Parenting Connection and Collaboration

    -Parents of Estranged Adult Children

    -Positive Parenting

    -Separation / Individuation: Teenagers Wanting Independence

    -Parenting and Coparenting during the Holidays

    - Autism Families Support Group

    -Postpartum Depression : Mom Support Group

    -Parenting a Child with ADHD

    -Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents / Narcissistic Parents

  • -Divorce / Separation Support Group

    -How Did I Become My Partner's Caregiver?

    -I'm So Confused: Men's Relationship Group

    -Relationship Forgiveness Support Group

    -Improving Relationships and Boundaries in Early Adulthood

    -Establishing Emotional Safety

    -Ethical Non-Monogamous Relationship Support Group

    -Codependency Awareness

    -Holidays: Setting Healthy Boundaries with Family and Friends

    -Coping with Changes in Relationships

    -Recovering from a Breakup

    -Has My Relationship Become Toxic or Abusive?

    -Nonconsensual Non Monogamy: Coping with Infidelity

    -Nonconsensual Non Monogamy: When You are the One Who Cheats

    -Navigating Online Friendships and Romances

    -Genealogy: Family Relationships and Emotional Connections

    -Coping Skills: Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

    -Managing The Ups and Downs Within Relationships

    -Recovering From Dysfunctional Family Systems

    -How to Make Your Relationships Last a Lifetime

    -Feeling Safe in Love

    -Cultural Differences in a Relationship

    -War of Words: Communicating Effectively with Your Partner

    -Cycle Breaking: Untethering from Dysfunctional Family

    -Domestic Violence Support Group

    -Communicating Effectively in Marriages and Relationships

    -Surviving and Thriving After the Death of a Spouse

    -Recovery and Relationships : Restoring Trust After Addiction

    -Addiction and Relationships

    -Attachment Styles in Romantic Relationships

    -Co-Dependency in Toxic Relationships

    -Learning to Live After an Affair

    -Trauma Bonding vs. Healthy Relationships

    -Limerence and the Insecure Attachment Styles

    -Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse, Manipulation, and Gaslighting

    -Healthy and Intentional Dating

    -Starting Over and Moving On

  • -Moving From a Pessimistic to a Positive Mindset

    -Jumpstarting your Self-Care Plan

    - Recovering People-Pleasers

    -Self-Care Support Group

    -Learning to Like Yourself

    -Support for College Students

    -Creating Healthy Habits for Managing Stress

    -Managing Self-Esteem Through Mindfulness

    -Wellbeing and Regulation Support for Teachers

    -Caring for the Child Within: Inner Healing with Self-Love

    -Personal and Collective Exploration

    -Veteran to Veteran : Overcoming Adversity Together

    - Coping with Compassion Fatigue

    -Hospice and End of Life Counseling

    -Building a Relationship with Yourself : It's Not Selfish to Take Care of Yourself

    -One Body, One Mind : Strategies For Physical and Mental Fitness

    -Hustle and Grow

  • -Who am I? Exploring My Worth, Values, and Strengths

    -Let's Talk Self-Esteem Empowerment

    -Confidence : The Magic Ingredient

    -How Do I Change My Mindset for the Better?

    -Weight and Body Image Loving Yourself Exactly As You Are

    -Inspiring our Sense of Self Worth

  • -Mindfulness and Mediation

    -Befriending Your Emotions

    -Adulting with a Neurodivergent Brain

    -Healthy Distractions

    -Introduction to Mindful Doodling

    -Junk Journaling

    -Conquering Your Day Through Organization and Time Management -

    -Breathing and Mindfulness for Beginners

    -Compulsive Spending

    -Intuitive Eating: Transform Your Relationship with Food

    -Relaxation Strategies

    -Mastering the Transition to Adulthood

    -Childhood Issues: How to Spot Them and Overcome Them

    -Managing Emotions

    -It's OK to Be Imperfect

    -Anger Management

    -Living in the Moment

    -The How-To of Forgiveness

    - How to Move Beyond Your Pain and Rise Above

    -Career Changers and Explorers

    -Dream Journals : Self Discovery Via The Unconscious

    -Coping Skills for Toxic Workplaces

    -Mindful Eating During the Holidays

    -Communication Skills to Reduce Anxiety

    -Finding Meaning and Motivation: A Hero's Journey to Mental Health

    -Setting Boundaries

    -De-escalation Techniques

  • -The Connection Between Boundaries and Anxiety

    -I'm the Boss: My Mind Works for Me, I don't Work for It

    -Support Group for People Suffering from Social Anxiety, Panic, and Phobic Disorders

    -Phone Addiction, Anxiety and Depression

    -Caregiver Stress and Burnout

    -The Rat Race: How to Handle the Stresses of Work

    -Stress and Anxiety in Relationships

    -BIPOC: Stress and Anxiety Resiliency

    -Creating Healthy Habits for Managing Stress

    -Living With Anxiety

    -Stress and Anxiety in Parenthood

    -Creating a "Stress - Less" Life: Daily Self Care

    -The Connection Between Boundaries and Anxiety

    -Anxiety, Worry, and Stress Support

  • -Surviving Trauma and Telling Your Story on Your Terms

    -Understanding PTSD and Trauma : Simple and Complex

    -Healing Your Inner Child: Reparenting Yourself

    -Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

    -Healing from Sexual Trauma

    -Living Beyond Trauma

    -Abandonment Support Group

    -Trauma of Miscarriage

  • -Support for Women Struggling with Depression

    -Infant Loss Support for Women

    --Grieving through Pregnancy Loss

    -Coping with Changes at Midlife: A Group for Women 40+

    -Women's Support: Healing from Domestic Violence and Trauma

    -Adulting with ADHD (Women) | Dopamine and To-Dos

    -Wives Healing from Infidelity