“Every day, I encounter people looking for support and guidance on this journey we call life. Please feel free to take that brave step forward toward the assistance you deserve and improve your life for the better!”

Ishara Pinkney-lee | CLinical Counselor & Intake Coordinator

I hold a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling as well as a Child and Adolescent development certification. I have 7 years of case management experience from servicing older adults in my community. In addition to my graduate program, I have accumulated professional mental health experience working with individuals, couples, families, and groups as well as crisis and trauma intervention.

I specialize in working with individuals experiencing loss and relationship issues, working with individuals, couples, and families to address family structure, loss, depression and anxiety management, and communication and healthy boundary development.

As of now, my therapeutic approach is dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), rooted in a combination of behavioral therapy and a humanistic approach to addressing client issues.

I have had the privilege to work with a wide variety of clients, as young as 8 years old to as experienced as 74. With this said, I have worked with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families and have experience supporting these individuals dealing with LGBTQIA+ issues, depression, grief and loss, anxiety, and relationship issues.

My personal philosophy is upholding the practice of unconditional positive regard: the idea that all of us are doing the best we can with the tools we have at all times. Creating safety and security is the first step to developing a therapeutic alliance with my clients, the second is utilizing a strengths-based approach by encouraging them to be an active collaborator in the work we do and the skills they learn. Additionally, the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz offers principles that I share with my clients as a way to put into practice a mindset that can offer freedom for many in times of mental and emotional strife. “Be Impeccable with Your Word, Don't Take Anything Personally, Don't Make Assumptions, Always Do Your Best.” - Don Miguel Ruiz

In my free time, I enjoy cosplay, video games, reading (when I have the focus to do so), learning about different cultures and folklore. I also enjoy watching movies and use media examples at times to illustrate relatable points in my work as a therapist.