Baddies & Budgets | Money Management Assistance

Do you find it challenging to keep a budget? What even IS a budget anyways? Or what about feeling overwhelmed because you’re unsure of how to properly pay off that credit card debt that’s been looming over you for what seems like ages? Well, we encourage you to check out our partner, baddies & budgets , a platform created by Jasmine Taylor to empower you with the knowledge of how to move closer to not only becoming financially free, but how to actually LEARN how to have your money work FOR you, not AGAINST you.

Note | By clicking through our link, not only are you supporting the business, but you are also giving extra support to RDLLC whenever you purchase something. (at NO extra cost to you, of course!) **


Are you a Woman Looking for a change? A change in fashion, life, just …everything and need some guidance on where to start?

Check out our partner : STATEMENT STYLE , created by the one-and-only Donielle Whyte. She’s a Life and Style Personal Life Coach whose mission is to guide burnt out, high-achieving women towards a life where they can prioritize self-care (not just the bubble baths & candles kind either!), improve their overall wellness, deepen their interpersonal relationships, and advance in their careers.

For More information, click the button below, email or call 267-847-3290